Rich FieldsPERSEUS DOUBLE CLUSTER (NGC 869 -844) | | Equipment and exposition:
Tecnosky 80mm Apo Triplet reduced at 384mm ATIK 4000LE with SVX FW with 2" unmounted Astrodon LRGB E-Series Generation 2 Guided with Starlight Lodestar and Starlight OAG Mount : AZ-Neq6-GT L 3 X 300" bin 1x RGB 5 X 300 " in each channel all bin 1x Processed with PixInsight , CCDStackV2+,Maximdl,Photoshop CS4 SIte : Saint Barthelemy , 1900 m West Alps .25/11/2013
ATIK CAMERAS 02/12/2013