Galaxies The Coddington's Nebula (IC 2574) |  | (CLICK REFRESH ON YOUR BROWSER IF IT DOESN'T APPEAR)
Equipment and exposition:
GSO RC 8" F/8 ATIK 314L with Starlight Usb filter wheel, Astronomik Filters 31,8 Guided with Starlight Lodestar with Orion OAG Neq6 Geoptik Modded L : 32 X 15 minutes bin 1x Processed with Maximdl,Photoshop,DSS,DSS Live SIte : Lusernetta, West Alps, Italy 03/02/2011
About this object:
This is a little dwarf galaxy .The characteristic features of IC 2574:
Irregular patchy shape with two weak spiral arms (SAB(s)m); Approximately 50 large mostly expanding shell-like structures in the neutral hydrogen (HI) have been found in this galaxy on the basis of (VLA) observations. These observed structures is thought to be the result of combined stellar winds and supernova explosions produced by young stellar associations.; The majority of these stellar associations are concentrated at the north end of the bar, far from the galaxy nucleus.